One day this past summer Ms Perpetual Motion and I were walking down the road when she looked over at some
QAL and said, "Mama, let's color the flowers."
My Great Aunt Helen used to do this with me.
I thought it was magical.
I do not remember ever discussing this with my wee one. And Nana said she never did either. So with a chill creeping up my spine on a hot August day we collected flowers and took them home to drink the colored potions we lovingly brewed with food coloring and tap water in funky seventies style glasses.
I have
Internet again again after six months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In three days I will be finished with a challenging rotation and in five days will begin a new one at the place I hope to be a resident next year.
I did something nice for myself today, got a physical. It had been way too long. I got to be the one who got to talk all about themselves and have someone interested and caring listen. I got to stop feeling like quite so much of a family medicine/preventive health care advocate/hypocrite. And those ladies at
FamPlan are so nice and considerate.