Friday, October 26, 2007

Old-Timey Osteopath

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Treatment:
Yesterday before I left the clinic early because I felt too snotty and coughy and wasted to be hovering over patients I asked one of the providers to treat me with some OMT (osteopathic manipulative treatment). She did some cranial osteopathy including a sphenopalatine ganglion treatment. Stimulation of this parasympathetic nerve ganglion by the pinkie tip of a trained provider can be quite painful in the back corner of your mouth behind your molars and off to the side a little. But a little pain is better than thick, sticky mudslides of mucus down the back of your throat. This treatment helps to thin secretions. This is the kind of OMT I like the best, for complaints other than chronic low back pain that will really only respond long-term to better physical conditioning. Through my career as an osteopath I hope to develop a skill set of OMT that I can use for things like upper respiratory infections, bowel complaints, chronic sinusitis, colic and reflux.

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