Sunday, March 2, 2008

Feverish Snowstorm

It is possible that the flu made it's way into our home this weekend. Yesterday Ms Perpetual Motion spent pretty much all day on the couch: napping, watching a movie and the most amazing part, just lying still. I am calling the sickness that gave her a fever a flu because I think it must have been to stop my girl in her tracks. The virus that set up shop was so powerful that it kept Ms PM from even wanting to participate in making cookies, with white chocolate chips. That is one superbug.
As the snow blew outside, Iris and I cuddled on the couch wrapped up in our fish print Mexican blanket that we purchased two Christmases ago when I had the flu on the beach in San Carlos, Mexico. A few sips of broth, orange juice and water was about all I could get into her. She didn't even want a whole white chocolate chip cookie that I had to make by myself. Her lungs sounded clear, her heart was beating fast and her little lips were cherry red and dry. She coughed off and on, said her throat hurt when she woke up and had a few sniffles.
I remember her very first fever. It was around Valentine's Day when she was 9 months old and we had just returned from a trip to visit friends (with sick kids) up the coast. Back then I had the medicinal power of breastmilk. I held her all night, alternating between the rocking chair and the couch. I watched her like a hawk because I didn't know what else to do. She slept most of the night, off and on. I slept a little of it off and on. She seems to have inherited her Daddy's knack for going to sleep when sick and waking up better.
This morning brought requests for water and giddy chatter. She hopped right up out of bed and sauntered downstairs ready to dive into the day. By mid-day she was hurling herself into the snow outside and crawling into her snowcave that she dug out of the gargantuan snowbank in our driveway.
The superbug had left, disgusted by a peacefully sleeping child. I just hope he or she or it does not decide to return and re-institute torture of a tired mama who sees "flu" like symptoms in the ER all day.


Wisdom Weasel said...

Get Well Soon, Miss PM!

Is it syruping time yet?

Rhianna said...

Poor little girl...glad she's feeling better! Will be in touch soon. Love to all. Rhi