Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring Tonic

A few weeks ago I had my first dream about residency*. I was in the clinic with three other interns (first year residents) and every other resident in the practice was also in the clinic that day so it was really crowded. The senior residents were sort of enjoying a mild form of hazing by monopolizing the exam rooms with their patients and making it difficult for the interns to get their patients seen. My attending from third year med school rotations was there as well as a few other attendings I'd worked with in the past. They were directing us interns, trying to provide some guidance in the insanely busy clinic. One attending in particular who I have shared my med school mama musings and writings with in the past was even trying to protect us shivering lost little chicks and keep the disorderly senior residents in check. I don't remember details about the patients I saw in my dream but I know I did because the next thing I remember is writing my first prescription. I wrote a script for maple syrup.

*I matched at my first choice family practice residency. I start in June.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Maple syrup? Was Curry your patient?

They say you know you're fluent in a foreign language when you start dreaming in that language. Maybe you know you're really a doctor when you start dreaming you're one.