I walked all around the house and all through the yard cooing, clucking and calling 'here kitty kitty
kitteeeeeeeeeeee.' I called down into the heating vents, into the bushes, into culverts and throughout the musty basement. Nothing. It was time to go get Ms Perpetual Motion but I could not give up. Husband had seen her. She was alive. I would get Ms PM and come back. I left the bag-o-tuna out and drove over the bridge to the calm serenity of Ms
PM's baby sitter's house. When we returned I decided to try the trail out behind the house. Maybe, just maybe she was out of earshot. I thought it was a
long shot but had to try. I got the stroller that we had left in the garage and put Ms PM in it. It would be easier to search for the cat if Ms PM was somewhat confined. We walked a lot further down the trail than I thought necessary but I just needed to clear my head a little, when who should spring out of the bushes with a chirp but the mangy gray cat that was our pet. "Crescent!!!"
squealed Ms PM. My cat is no ordinary cat. She loves us but does not know how to show it. I could tell she desperately wanted to come home but she refused to simply come to us. We had to slowly walk back towards the house, continually calling 'here kitty kitty
kitteeeeeeeeeeee.' She slowly walked back through the woods parallel to us but about 15-20 feet away. When she was close enough to smell the tuna she took off like a shot across the yard.
Now how was I going to actually catch the cat and put her in the car while keeping Ms PM at bay?
"Ms PM," I pleaded, "Please wait here while I get Crescent."
"No mama, I wanna help."
It went on like this, me pleading and Ms PM refusing to sit idly by.
Eventually I had the clever idea of opening the front door of the house which Crescent could not refuse. She really wanted inside. And I was able to trap her in the tiny mudroom.
Now Ms PM could be of use. While I tried to keep from getting
shredded by the scared, hungry kitty I asked Ms PM to please open the car door. She did, but bonked her head in the process. Now I had a crying child and a scared cat getting more and more agitated by the moment by the cries of my child who I could not help because my arms were full of terrified cat.
"Just get in the car," I cold-
heartedly demanded. "Just get in the car so I can put Crescent in too." We all piled into the back seat in a sweaty, pained mess. I slammed the door shut. We had her. The cries faded with the excitement of having a cat in the car. I managed to get back out of the car to shut the front door of the house and back into the car without the cat escaping. As we pulled out of the driveway I spotted the stroller.
"Damn, I left the stroller out."
When we arrived home with the hungry, skinny cat and Ms PM doing just fine I asked husband to swing by the house tomorrow and get the stroller.
"Don't forget," I emphasized, "The blanket and sweater Nana made (by hand woven blanket that probably took about 8000 hours and knitted sweater) for Ms PM are in the pocket of the stroller."
I swear to goddess he said, "